Cycle For Survival @ Equinox
Feb 2nd All day
This was an event for only the fearless, that's why Daniel Glover and I crashed it (although I think he may have been invited).Danny and I joined the battle to beat cancer as they closed down Equinox for the day. For the most of you that are a member of a gym, a foreign scene for me, but imagine the entire place transformed into a giant spinning class. Amongst all the cyclers was a man that started it all, Dave. Actually it was his wife Jennifer Goodman Linn who was diagnosed with Sarcoma back in 2004. Jen wanted to give back to others so with her husband she founded Cycle for Survival in 2007. Cycle for Survival is a high-energy indoor cycling event that brings people together to raise funds for rare cancer research; 50% of all diagnosed cancers are considered rare. What started out in New York has now expanded to Chicago, Long Island, SF, LA, and DC becoming one of the fastest growing fundraising events in the world.
Meet Dave (The Co-Founder) |
Even though it's too late to help Jen, Dave has chosen to do everything he could to help other rare cancer patients live every day to the fullest. This was also a special day for Dave though as it was his 40th Birthday. When it was Jen's 40th she made a video called the "Happy to be 40 Dance" in which she just let it all go to simply dance, so for this day the entire place stopped to dance -smile, laugh, and live life to the fullest. As Jen had once said, "If you take fear out of the equation people could could be much more satisfied and successful."
Cycle for Survival makes a tangible impact on cancer patients and their loved ones, and you can too. Here a few more incredible statistics made possible by Cycle for Survival.
100% of the funds go directly to the cancer center and are allocated within six months of each event.
25 million dollars have been raised to this date, funding 53 clinical research studies.
Some of us leave the world and make an everlasting impact.
Thank you Jennifer for being one of them.
You Fearless -Jennifer Goodman Linn
CRASHED IT -to living fearlessly!
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